Personalized Software Training
Did you ever waste your time and money attending a course that did not resolve your personal goals? Often people attend beginner courses, intermediate courses and then advanced courses, but in the end find they haven't gotten to the root of their need. Tired of learning the basics over and over? Why not pick up your training where you need help? Ever sit in a class and were afraid to ask the questions that pertain to your business? What does a beginner's class entail? What does an intermediate class cover? Do I need an advanced class or just one feature? Data Conversion / Systems Integration So, you have this address book, that spreadsheet, and the corporate database, but there must be a way… You have this need.. Should you use Word, Excel, maybe PowerPoint, an Access database. How do I get my product catalogue on the Web, without spending a fortune? If you are not sure what you need, the best place to start is to bring in someone who can give your systems a once over and tell you what your options are.